January 15, 2005 - 1:47 p.m.


I deleted a bunch of the stuff that was on the extras page and moved it to the website. The rest of the stuff on the extras page is mostly out of date. I'm hoping to avoid the connection of the website to this diary, so if you want the address, email me. That's part of the reason the stuff that I wanted on the site got deleted from here - somebody could search for the content and this would come up. It may have already happened as far as I know. My mom's ex Jim knows where the website is; I certainly didn't tell him about it. The only way he could have found it is by searching for text for one of the essays, that happened to be on both that site and this diary, and that I'd sent to him personally in a Word document. Both sites would have shown up in a search. The only other way he could have gotten to the site is from my livejournal, which is almost an equally scary thought.
He's personally not dangerous or a threat or anything, and I guess I'm glad it was him and not someone else, but the idea scares me a bit. I like my privacy or at least anonymity.