2003-07-04 - 5:41 p.m.

100 random facts

1) My middle name is Anne, with an e, just like Anne of Green Gables

2) Even though my mother isn't Catholic or even religious she made sure I had two saints' names because when she was growing up in a Catholic neighborhood she felt bad that she didn't have a saint's name (hers is Amy.)

3) I am five feet, eight and 3/4 inches tall.

4) I'm a redhead/strawberry blonde. I would never ever dye my hair. When I get old, my hair will gradually get lighter and blonder until it's white. I will never have grey hair.

5) I live with my my mom, her boyfriend, and two cats.

6) We have a lot of fruit trees in our yard. And a vegetable garden, strawberry garden, and herb garden.

7) My bathroom is all pink and white. I have every imaginable bathroom accessory in white with pink flowers - towels, bath mat, toilet cover, shower curtain, nightlight, wall trim, candle, soap dish, including the soap dish & toothbrush holder attached to the wall, toilet paper holder, the linoleum - all white with pink flowers. It looks like something out of House Beautiful

8) My room was also decorated with a lot of pink and I got so disgusted that I changed bedrooms.

9) My hobbies are reading, listening to music, reading diaries, and sewing.

10) Sometimes not only do I sew my own clothes, but I design and make the patterns for them too.

11) After I get my bachelor's in accounting, I want to get a master's in library science and become a librarian.

12) I was a bit of a child prodigy. I was home schooled from first grade on. After eleventh grade, I "dropped out" and went to college. I was 15.

13) I learned to read when I was three.

14) By the time I was five I could read on a sixth grade level. I spent three months in first grade being taught my ABC's before I convinced my mother to take me out and teach me at home.

15) I hate school with a passion.

16) I've taken three months of singing lessons, but I hate singing. (It was acting that I liked, and I wanted to be in musicals.)

17) You know how sometimes the most uptight parents have the wildest kids? It's like the other way around with me and my mom. My mom has done drugs, smoked, nearly killed somebody, has been in a threesome, and doesn't know how many men she's slept with. I on the other hand am the biggest little goody two shoes going.

18) My mom is 32 years older than be, but everybody always thinks we're sisters.

19) My mom is my best friend and we get along really great.

20) The threesome my mom was in? Her, my dad, and her ex-boyfriend Jim. My dad liked it and my mom thought it was sick. My parents got divorced when I was ten. I don't see my dad much.

21) Both of my mom's two boyfriends since she got divorced have been attracted to me. They know if they ever made a move on me, that would be the end of them with my mom, so they leave me alone. I don't like it though.

22) Most people think I'm some sort of genius. I have had people tell me that I'm god and then make bowing motions. That freaks me out.

23) When I was in highschool, in addition to being homeschooled, I took a french class and was in the drama club at the local high school.

24) I went to a two-year community college to get an associate's degree in general studies.

25) Almost everybody I've known seems to really like me, but I have no friends. I think this is very suspicious.

26) The Cure is my favorite band. I have seven of their albums, mostly their older stuff.

27) I used to like the Backstreet Boys, but when N'Sync came out, I decided boy bands were a big scam and stopped liking them.

28) Columbine scared the living daylights out of me, until I found the local highschool's "trench coat mafia" and realized I was friendly with most of them.

29) One day I went to the drama club wearing a bright green jumper and magenta sweater, and suddenly realized everybody else was wearing all black.

30) Part of the reason I wear a lot of black is because I miss the kids from the drama club. They were great, some of the nicest people I've ever known.

31) The neighborhood kids that I grew up with were all very mean to me.

32) I was afraid of teenagers, freaky ones most especially, until I took a French class at the high school. The teenagers were much nicer to me than the neighborhood kids, and the freaky ones were even nicer.

33) I used to breed guinea pigs, when I was about eight or so. I made a $10 profit.

34) People seem to think I know everything, or that what I don't know I can figure out. This bugs me, especially when somebody wants to know how to do something (that I don't know, or care, how to do) and they think the logical course of action is for me to figure it out and then show them.

35) I don't shave. Anywhere. But I have light hair, and not much of it, so nobody notices.

36) I once accidently became engaged to some Arab guy over the Internet. This is probably the stupidest thing I've ever done, and don't ask me how I did it.

37) I'm afraid of getting to know people closely.

38) I like listening to other people complain but I hate complaining or talking about myself.

39) When I was little, and me and the neighborhood kids wanted to do something, they would frequently have me talk their parents into allowing them to do whatever.

40) I used to volunteer in the local library, when I was 12 or 13, but the discontinued their volunteer program so they could get more money from the town. I was disgusted and changed my mind about being a librarian for several years.

41) Before I wanted to be a librarian, I wanted to be a restaurant owner.

42) Sometimes I think I'm going to found a major new world religion and save the world.

43) Sometimes I think I'm a faerie.

44) I know a lot about religion.

45) I have dabbled in witchcraft.

46) I have been inventing religions since I was around eight or nine. "Lovism" was my first and it's commandment is that you have to love everybody.

47) I can read French pretty well.

48) I took a year of highschool Latin when I was in middle school.

49) I think everything is suspicious. And amusing.

50) I use quaint slang like "dear me" and "not quite my cup of tea."

51) I like things that are Victorian.

52) I do not like rap, country, and jazz. I like a little bit of almost every other kind of music.

53) My favorite kind of music is 80's goth rock.

55) I think Marilyn Manson has a lot of talent but I don't care for his music.

56) I don't think Britney Spears has any talent, but I also think she gets a lot more bad publicity than she deserves. So what if she has bad taste and can't sing? Don't listen to her music. She still has a right to live and try to earn a living.

57) I think I have a lot of Viking blood in me. It's where the fair skin and red hair come from.

58) My anscestors were minor German nobility. There used to be a "van" in my last name.

59) I used to have dozens of people on my ICQ buddy list, but after the accidental engagement I got disgusted and stopped using it. Now I have one person on it, who I almost never talk to.

60) I think my diary entries must be too long and complicated for most people to want to read them.

61) I collect programs to plays and other theater events I go to.

62) I have been in 5 or 6 plays.

63) Not only do I spill food on myself all the time, but if anybody else spills food it mysteriosly lands on me more often than not.

64) I was raised Unitarian Universalist, but we never go to church.

65) I went to Christian Science Sunday School for a bit when I was younger. I can sometimes do that faith healing stuff.

66) I believe in magic.

67) I play Minesweeper a lot. My fastest scores are 8 seconds for beginner, 55 seconds for intermediate, and 133 seconds for expert.

68) I don't like traveling.

69) I have only lived in Massachusetts and and New Hampshire, but I have a slight New Jersey accent.

70) I am related to John Sutter, the guy one whose land gold was found at the start of the Gold Rush. He's my great-great-great-uncle.

71) I really want a big black cape.

72) I have a burgundy sari.

73) Once I got rabies shots after a stray cat attacked me. I still have scars from the attack.

74) Since then I don't pet strange cats.

75) I hate dogs and am a little afraid of them.

76) I share a birthday with Bela Lugosi and Winona Ryder.

77) I've had two boyfriends: one when I was four, and the other when I was ten.

78) I've never been French kissed. I haven't been kissed on the lips since I was ten.

79) I go everywhere by myself.

80) I started procrastinating sometime this fall, and my GPA has gone from a 4.0 to a 3.9.

81) My favorite season is autumn.

82) I love the rain. And thunderstorms.

83) I can be extremely silly.

84) I'm a vegetarian.

85) I can't eat anything with vinegar in it.

86) Sometimes I forget to eat.

87) I have to struggle to keep my weight up.

88) I get creeped out by movies easily and also cry to movies easily.

89) I am easily surprised as in when people jump from behind me and get creeped out easily.

90) Except for physical surprises like somebody poking me from behind I am never surprised or shocked by anything.

91) I'm never really scared either, of anything in particular.

92) Sometimes I get premonitions and they're almost always accurate.

93) I've know dozens of guys known Chris, and more than have of the guys I've been sweet on were called Chris.

94) I have excellent hearing. I frequently overhear people because they think I can't hear them when really I can.

95) I hate noise. I use a dust mop and carpet sweeper because I can't stand vacuum cleaners. Also, noisy places make me very disoriented and confused.

96) So does heat. I get heat exhaustion very easily. If I'm warmer than usual when I stand up, I get light headed and my vision blurs.

97) I hate exercising.

98) I'm usually colder than everybody else.

99) I don't, and never have, watched cartoons.

100) Everything amuses me, and I love everyone. This is suspicious.